The official Redux UI binding library for React is called React Redux. Use React Redux to connect these two libraries together if you are using Redux in a React application. We will explore React Redux in this blog, learning about its features, goals, and practical application in project management.
Let us take a quick look at Redux before moving on to React Redux. Redux is a JavaScript application’s predictable state container. It assists you in creating applications that are simple to test, function consistently across various environments (client, server, and native), and behave consistently.
React Redux:
The official UI binding library for Redux and React is called React Redux. In order to link your component to the Redux store, it offers the connect function. The functions your component can use to send actions to the store and the bits of data it requires from the store are provided by the connect function. It returns a new, connected component class that encapsulates the component you provided in, rather than altering the component class that was passed to it.
React Redux: Why Use It?
You may connect your components to your store directly with React Redux, eliminating the need to route data across several application layers. This results in a cleaner, more manageable codebase by increasing the independence of your components and removing their dependency on the Redux store.
In summary:
With the help of React Redux, you can make managing state in your React apps much easier. You may create more reliable apps and write cleaner, more manageable code by being aware of its fundamental ideas and knowing how to use it. Learning React Redux is an invaluable skill that will help you in your React development path, regardless of experience level.
Here is brief example how to use React Redux
How to Apply Redux React:
- Installation: React Redux must first be installed in order to be used. You can use yarn or npm for this:
- Yarn add react-redux
- use npm install react-redux
Provider: Without explicitly supplying it, the Provider component makes the store accessible to all containers within the application. You accomplish this by enclosing your root component within the Provider.
Connect: React Redux’s connect method lets you take data out of the Redux store state and utilize it as props in your component.